mandag 25. mai 2009

Flink mainj!

Æ har næmmli ein flink kjærest. Hainj kainj bak. Hainj e flink t å bak! Goe snurrissa!

søndag 24. mai 2009

Cars, cars, cars..

I've been to a local car-show. A volvo-gathering to be exact. I found ONE nice car.. ant it wasn't even a volvo...

Back in Norway..

...Been in Norway about three weeks now, three busy weeks! It’s been a lot to do at school so I haven’t had time to blog.. or something like that. Its good to be home again, but it’s weird to. Not so many people around me all the time, now it’s just me and my boyfriend.

The last weeks in Norway has been writing, writing, writing. The exams is close! But, 17th of May I had a day of because of our national day. Here is some pictures from the day:

And last but not least, Pavel – I miss you! When are you coming to visit me?